Corvallis Media Lab
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Corvallis Media LabLog in

We support persons of all ages and abilities interested in writing, directing, editing, acting, producing movies plus participation with independent film crews.

descriptionWhat is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? EmptyWhat is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)?

What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Camlog10
Corvallis Access Media is a voice in media for the Corvallis community. Serving Channel 29 and the web, our goal is to connect you to the tools and resources you need to get your message out to the community, whether your interest is in arts, education, social justice, or simply telling the stories that make our city unique.

Content created using Corvallis Access Media gear will be aired on both Comcast Channel 29 and the CAM Youtube page. Please include a slide before or after your program stating that the program was created with CAM gear.

What kind of Equipment does CAM lend out?

Corvallis Access Media has a large variety of equipment available for checkout, including camcorders, DSLR cameras, microphones, lighting kits, Macbook editing suites with Final Cut X and Adobe Creative Cloud software, tripods, and much more!

How can I check out equipment from CAM?

1) Create a user login account. (See the next post for how to create an account)
2) Select items from the  CAM INVENTORY at least three days before you plan to pick it up.
3) Send an email to the coordinator to place a hold on your desired equipment. The email should include:
a. Your account information
b. The date and time you would like to pick up the gear.
c. The program you are working on that you need the gear ford. The date and time you would like to return the gear.

All gear checkouts need to be connected to a program that you will submit to be aired on Channel 29 and the CAM YouTube channel.

Anything else?

Please arrive within fifteen minutes of your scheduled pickup/drop off time. Unless otherwise arranged, gear is expected to be back within two weeks. Returned gear will be sanitized by the CAM Coordinator as well as checked for missing parts or broken components before making it available again in the inventory.

descriptionWhat is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? EmptyHow Do I Apply for a CAM Account?

How Do I Apply for a CAM Account?

The Majestic Theatre maintains an online library for public checkout. The library contains play scripts as well as Video equipment. To be eligible to check out library materials you must register as a Majestic Theatre patron at this link:
If the computer you are using has a google account that email address will be filled in for you.
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Patron12
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Patron13
Select Other and type CAM Inventory.

When you get an email that registration is complete you can head to the library website at:
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Librar11
Home Page for Playscripts Library

What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Camhom10
Home Page for Corvallis Access Media
If you see images of playscripts but you were looking for Video Equipment, change the collection by pressing the CAM Library button.

You can browse the collection but if you want to check something out, Find the Patron Login button on the top right of the screen.What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Patron10

What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Needpa10
A dialog box will pop up. Click on the red letters, “Need password?”

Enter your email address (the same one you used to register) into the next box and click “Submit.”
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Submit10

You’ll receive an email that looks like this!
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Temppa10

Return to the library website, click Patron Login once again, and this time, log in with your password. You’ll then see your account page! If you click the “Edit Profile” button, you can change your password to something that you can, you know, actually remember.
What is Corvallis Access Media (CAM)? Editpr10

Now you can start checking out equipment! Click the book icon in the top left of the page to go back to the library’s home page. From here, you can enter keywords into the search bar, or you can click on the Tags arrow to drop down a list of tags, or you can simply browse the collection by scrolling through it. Once you’ve found equipment you’d like, click the “Add Hold” button in its entry.

You’ll see it pop up in a little window on the bottom of the page. Once you’ve selected all of the equipment you’d like to check out, click “Complete.”

A dialog box will pop up. Click submit.

The library client will send an email to the librarian, listing the equipment you have requested. They will pull your equipment and send you an email when they are ready to be picked up, usually within two or three business days of your request. You can pick up your books during business hours at the Majestic Theatre office (Wednesday-Friday from 12-5pm). Equipment can be checked out for up to two weeks at a time or until another patron requests them, whichever comes first. Special considerations for extended time are available upon request.
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